- Dec 6, 2020The 3 Voices of AdventDec 6, 2020The 3 Voices of AdventBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: Christmas MysteryDuring the holidays, there are so many voices competing for your attention, that it can sound like a deafening, overwhelming roar. But when you listen to the 3 Voices of Advent, you can have peace, calm, perspective, and comfort!
- Nov 29, 20202 Mysteries. 2 Comings. 1 Faithful GodNov 29, 20202 Mysteries. 2 Comings. 1 Faithful GodBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: Christmas Mystery
“If I were God, I would have…” “I don’t get why God would allow something like that to happen.” The mind of God is often a mystery to our finite human brains. What God does is not always what we would do. What God knows is right, we sometimes think is wrong. There are many things in the mind of God that remain mysteries to us. Today, we’ll focus on the Christmas Mysteries of the mind of God. And hopefully, we’ll leave after the service today, having seen a mystery revealed, thinking, “I don’t get why, God. But if that’s your will, I’m good with it.”
- Nov 25, 2020Yet I Will Rejoice (Thanksgiving)
- Nov 22, 2020A King That Checks All the BoxesNov 22, 2020A King That Checks All the BoxesBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: Psalms of Hope
We saw it once again with the recent election season. Everyone wants their candidate to be the one who’s in charge. Everyone thinks their candidate is the one who is best equipped to fix their problems. Today, as we finish our Psalms of Hope sermon series, we’ll be reminded that even better than being able to proclaim that “my president” is in charge, we can rejoice in the fact that “our king reigns!” But this King is like no other king in the history of the world. You might even call him the anti-king. But today, we’ll see why following Christ as our King makes all the difference in the way we feel about our lives and our eternity!
- Nov 15, 2020A Taste of What’s to ComeNov 15, 2020A Taste of What’s to ComeBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: Psalms of Hope
Last week, we focused on the hope we can have in Christ, even in the face of mortality and Judgment Day. Today, we celebrate the eternal triumphant victory of all those who die trusting in Jesus as their Savior. These are not “saints” in the sense of “really good people who have done really good things so that they get recognized as saints.” These saints are saints only through the perfect righteousness and sacrifice of Christ on their behalf. And that’s the same reason why we can rejoice for all those who have fallen asleep in the Lord. They’ve received, and are now enjoying the ultimate victory that we as Christians yearn for throughout our pilgrimage here on earth. They now stand in the holy presence of God, who has made them his own! Ah, how our hearts yearn to be forever in the courts of the Lord! Better is one day there than a thousand years of the best this world could offer! How our hearts yearn within us! How joyful we can be that one day, through Christ, we will join them!
- Mar 15, 2020Darkness/LightMar 15, 2020Darkness/LightBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: ContrastThe light of the world brings sight to the blind and judgment to the blinded. Faith means seeing Jesus as Savior. We were born in the blindness of sin, and without the light of Christ we could not find a way to safety. Christ comes to shine his light into our darkened eyes that we might see him and live. Yet for those who refuse to see their Savior in Christ, the blindness of unbelief remains. He gives gracious sight to the blind who trust in him; he gives blinding judgment on those who reject him; finally, he displays the work of God in the lives of those who now walk in the light of Christ.
- Mar 8, 2020Works/FaithMar 8, 2020Works/FaithBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: ContrastThe gift of God comes by faith to all nations. Not a holy life, not acts of obedience, but simple trust in the promise of God brings the gift of living water for thirsty souls. Abraham believed God’s promise and so became not only the father of a nation, but the forefather of the Promised Seed who would bless all people. He had faith in God who justifies the wicked, and so God credited it to him as righteousness. By this same faith, Christ gives righteousness to all who believe and enfolds sinful Samaritans and modern Gentiles like us into the family of God.
- Mar 1, 2020Week 1: Team Adam? Or Team Jesus?Mar 1, 2020Week 1: Team Adam? Or Team Jesus?By: Troy SchreinerSeries: ContrastHave you ever met siblings who couldn't be more different? One is good at sports, and the other is into theater. They look nothing alike. The one is a leader, the other is a follower. They're complete contrasts of one another. And yet, they're still inextricably related. Today, as we begin our series, Contrast, we compare Adam and Christ - two people who couldn't be any more different, and yet who are inextricably connected to one another, and inextricably connected...to every one of us!Sermon Text: Romans 5:12-19First Sunday in Lent
- Feb 23, 2020Wk 4: The Glorified SacrificeFeb 23, 2020Wk 4: The Glorified SacrificeBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: The World Turned Upside downDuring Epiphany, we’ve focused on how Jesus showed himself to be the Son of God and the Savior of the world through word and deed. Transfiguration reveals a glimpse of Jesus in all his divine glory, and offers a sneak peek of Easter morning. Therefore, it’s particularly appropriate to celebrate Transfiguration on the Last Sunday after the Epiphany, before the Church descends into the shadowy valley of Lent, and the Christ, revealed today through a glimpse of glory, experiences the humility of suffering and death. It sounds paradoxical. The one who will be sacrificed in weakness and death will be glorified? And yet, in God, this world gets turned upside down!
- Feb 16, 2020Week 3: Every Sin is SeriousFeb 16, 2020Week 3: Every Sin is SeriousBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: The World Turned Upside down"Just a little white lie." "Just one quick peek." "Just this one time." "Everyone else was doing it." "At least I'm not doing things like those people do!" "Nobody's getting hurt." "No one else even knows!" We're very good at coming up with excuses why our sins aren't really that big of a deal. But as God's Word reminds us today, there is no such thing as a harmless sin. Because every sin separates a person from the Holy God, and brings us further from the holy life that God calls us to live. Every sin is serious. And God is serious about sin! So serious, that God took action!Sermon Text: Matthew 5:21-37