Jan 31, 2021

Authority That Makes You Listen
By: Troy Schreiner
Series: Prove It!
There are some people in life, who, when they talk, you listen! We listen to those people because they have authority--either authority given to them by someone else, or they're an authority in a particular subject because of their experience and expertise. What about Jesus? Do you think that he has that authority that makes us listen, and take his words to heart? In today's sermon, we'll see two proofs of Jesus' authority, and why we need to listen when he talks!
- Jan 31, 2021Authority That Makes You ListenJan 31, 2021Authority That Makes You ListenBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: Prove It!There are some people in life, who, when they talk, you listen! We listen to those people because they have authority--either authority given to them by someone else, or they're an authority in a particular subject because of their experience and expertise. What about Jesus? Do you think that he has that authority that makes us listen, and take his words to heart? In today's sermon, we'll see two proofs of Jesus' authority, and why we need to listen when he talks!
- Jan 24, 2021Sacrificing the Good for the BestJan 24, 2021Sacrificing the Good for the BestBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: Prove It!Sometimes, people are able to keep their New Year's Resolutions, because they know that by sacrificing something good from their lives, they'll receive something much better. That's true spiritually too. When it comes to following Jesus, we need to wrestle with the question, "Would you be willing to sacrifice even good things from your life in order to follow God's calling?" Will you sacrifice the good, for the best?
- Jan 17, 2021Come and See!Jan 17, 2021Come and See!By: Troy SchreinerSeries: Prove It!When telling and inviting his friend, Nathanael about Jesus, a man named Philip faced a skeptical reaction. He didn't push or pressure. He didn't throw up his hands and leave. Instead, he offered his friend a simple, patient, loving invitation. "Come and see." Come and see for yourself, with your own two eyes the truth about Jesus. For the skeptics, those skeptical or God, or Jesus, or the Bible, or the church, the invitation still stands. Come and see for yourself! And for the Christian, the encouragement remains to share that same simple invitation. You never know what an impact it can have on someone's eternity!
- Jan 10, 2021Baptism Reveals IdentityJan 10, 2021Baptism Reveals IdentityBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: Prove It!What would you say your identity is? Usually, we base our identities on the things that we do, or have done. But through baptism, both Jesus' baptism and your baptism, your true identity is revealed. Not based on what you've done, but based on what Jesus has done as your perfect substitute! Check out Pastor Troy's sermon to see why this is a much better identity!
- Jan 3, 2021Have Love, Will TravelJan 3, 2021Have Love, Will TravelBy: Troy SchreinerWhy would Gentile Wise Men sacrifice months of their lives to travel across the world to meet a baby face to face?And why would you sacrifice your time, money, or other things to continue meeting with Jesus face to face in his Word and in worship?
- Dec 31, 2020Great Is Your Faithfulness (New Year’s Eve)Dec 31, 2020Great Is Your Faithfulness (New Year’s Eve)By: Troy SchreinerSeries: New Year's Eve2020 will forever have the legacy of being the year everyone's excited to be done with! But are there blessings from God that we can find in 2020? How can we change our perspective on what makes a year "good"?
- Dec 27, 2020Face to Face: Simeon and AnnaDec 27, 2020Face to Face: Simeon and AnnaBy: Phil HoyerAn elderly man, an elderly woman, and a baby. What do these three have in common? And what produced so much joy for Simeon and Anna when they saw this baby face to face? Watch Pastor Phil's sermon to find out!
- Dec 24, 2020The Greatest Gift (Christmas Eve)Dec 24, 2020The Greatest Gift (Christmas Eve)By: Troy SchreinerSeries: Christmas EveEver been disappointed with the gifts you did or didn't receive on Christmas? When you unwrap the gift from God of a baby born in Bethlehem once again this year, don't be disappointed and say, "That's it?" Instead, rejoice at this greatest gift and say, "That's it!"
- Dec 20, 2020The Mysterious KingDec 20, 2020The Mysterious KingBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: Christmas MysteryHistory has taught us that no king or kingdom, no matter how powerful or influential withstands the test of time. Except, according to God, one king who reigns on David's throne forever! Who is this mysterious king?
- Dec 13, 2020What Do You Want for Christmas?Dec 13, 2020What Do You Want for Christmas?By: Troy SchreinerSeries: Christmas MysteryWhat do you want for Christmas? The way you answer that question changes a lot throughout your life. Your perspective changes what you want for Christmas. Let God's Word remind you of what the greatest gifts are, and how we receive them from our faithful, gracious God!Sermon Text: Isaiah 61:1-3, 10-11