May 16, 2021

Arise! (Ascension/Pentecost Sermonettes)
By: Troy Schreiner
Series: Ascension/Pentecost
On Ascension, Jesus rises up back into Heaven. At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit comes down on God's people. What do both of these events have to do with us today, and how do they equip and empower Christians to arise and carry out the work God has given to his Church?
- May 16, 2021Arise! (Ascension/Pentecost Sermonettes)May 16, 2021Arise! (Ascension/Pentecost Sermonettes)By: Troy SchreinerSeries: Ascension/PentecostOn Ascension, Jesus rises up back into Heaven. At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit comes down on God's people. What do both of these events have to do with us today, and how do they equip and empower Christians to arise and carry out the work God has given to his Church?
- May 9, 2021The Ideal Mother/Wife/WomanMay 9, 2021The Ideal Mother/Wife/WomanBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: Certain Hope for Uncertain TimesWhat makes an ideal mother? Or wife? Or woman? How the world answers that question, and how God answers that question are very different! Let's dig into God's Word from Proverbs 31:10-31 to see how God answers that question, for this celebration of Godly Women!
- Apr 25, 2021The Beauty of Being SheepApr 25, 2021The Beauty of Being SheepBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: Certain Hope for Uncertain TimesIf someone tells you, "You're a sheep" these days, it's usually more derogatory than complimentary. There's even a term "sheeple" for people who follow someone or something blindly, without giving it deeper examination or thought. But today, on Good Shepherd Sunday, Jesus reminds us of the beauty of being sheep. Not because sheep are all that great, but because sheep have a Shepherd!
- Apr 18, 2021I’ll Believe It When I Hear ItApr 18, 2021I’ll Believe It When I Hear ItBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: Certain Hope for Uncertain TimesThese days, people are skeptical of fake news and other false ideas that get passed off as truth. So it's not surprising that many people demand, "I'll believe it when I see it." However, God's Word today shows us that sometimes, seeing isn't believing. When it comes to our faith in Jesus, rather than saying, "I'll believe it when I see it!" we can confidently say, "I'll believe it when I hear it!"
- Apr 11, 2021Peace to BreatheApr 11, 2021Peace to BreatheBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: Certain Hope for Uncertain TimesWhen you're feeling overwhelmed by things like fear, shame, or confusion, it can start to feel like you're getting choked out by life. That's how Jesus' disciples were feeling on Easter Sunday evening. But then the risen Jesus appeared to them! And what was the first thing he said to them? "Peace be with you." It was more than just a polite greeting. It was a revelation of what he'd come to give them! And because of Jesus' resurrection, you can have that same peace too!
- Apr 4, 2021Certain Is Better! (Easter Sunday)Apr 4, 2021Certain Is Better! (Easter Sunday)By: Troy SchreinerSeries: Easter SundayIt's better to be certain than "pretty sure." Unfortunately, the things we put our hope in are often less than certain--more of a desire or a wish than a certainty. And yet, there is one thing that is certain, and one thing that can give us certain hope, even in uncertain times! Watch Pastor Troy's Easter Sunday sermon, "Certain Is Better" to find out what that is!
- Apr 1, 2021Making a Good Meal Even Better (Maundy Thursday)Apr 1, 2021Making a Good Meal Even Better (Maundy Thursday)By: Troy SchreinerSeries: Maundy ThursdayWhat does it take for you to make a good meal a great meal? On Maundy Thursday, we look at two special meals that God insitituted for his people to eat: The Passover Meal, and the Lord's Supper, so we can see how God takes a good meal, and makes it even better!
- Mar 28, 2021The Savior Sees It Through (Palm Sunday)Mar 28, 2021The Savior Sees It Through (Palm Sunday)By: Troy SchreinerSeries: Crazy LoveWhat does a broken coffeemaker and broken relationships have to do with the waving palm branches and shouted hosannas of Palm Sunday? Listen to Pastor Troy's sermon, "The Savior Sees It Through" to find out!
- Mar 24, 2021Hands of Brutality (Soldiers)
- Mar 21, 20212 Covenants, 1 PromiseMar 21, 20212 Covenants, 1 PromiseBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: Crazy LoveWhen someone breaks a promise they've made to you, it can be hard to forgive. It's nearly inconceivable to think about making another covenant with them too! But today, we see that God not only forgives us when we fail to keep our promises to him, he establishes a second covenant--a 1-sided covenant of grace in Christ Jesus!