Jan 9, 2022

Purpose, Power, Promises
By: Troy Schreiner
Series: Uncovered
Neither baptism or anointing seem to be very visually impressive. But as we see in today's service, what our eyes see, differs from what God decrees! Watch Pastor Troy's sermon, "Purpose, Power, Promises" to see how God uses seemingly ordinary acts, like baptism, to give us three things we might not expect. To see that, we need to dig deeper than outward appearances, and see what God decrees in his Word about such simple acts!
- Jan 9, 2022Purpose, Power, PromisesJan 9, 2022Purpose, Power, PromisesBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: UncoveredNeither baptism or anointing seem to be very visually impressive. But as we see in today's service, what our eyes see, differs from what God decrees! Watch Pastor Troy's sermon, "Purpose, Power, Promises" to see how God uses seemingly ordinary acts, like baptism, to give us three things we might not expect. To see that, we need to dig deeper than outward appearances, and see what God decrees in his Word about such simple acts!
- Jan 2, 2022From Slaves, to Sons and DaughtersJan 2, 2022From Slaves, to Sons and DaughtersBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: What Child Is This?One of the important parts of Christmas presents is the gift tag. Without them to tell us who the gift is for, or who the gift is from, gift opening is confusing, and the gives are far less appreciated, when we don't know they've been given for us! Likewise, now that we've "unwrapped" the greatest Christmas gift of Jesus, we also need to know who this greatest gift is for. Because if we don't know he was given for us, we won't appreciate or be thankful for this gift! Watch Pastor Troy's sermon, "From Slaves to Sons and Daughters" to help us see that this gift was given for "slaves" like us, but how that gift changes our identity and lives!
- Dec 24, 2021What Child Is This? (Christmas Eve)Dec 24, 2021What Child Is This? (Christmas Eve)By: Troy SchreinerSeries: What Child Is This?A child is born every 12 seconds. So what makes this child so special that we celebrate his birth every year? Watch Pastor Troy's Christmas Eve sermon, "What Child Is This?" to find out!
- Dec 19, 2021The Ones You’d Never ExpectDec 19, 2021The Ones You’d Never ExpectBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: When the Lord Comes NearA recurring plotline in movies, TV shows, and books, is that in the end, the person who is either the bad guy, or the hero, is someone nobody expected. These plot twists surprise and entertain us, so authors continue to find creative ways to write it into their stories. The Author of Life also likes to use people and places you'd never expect as the main characters in the story of life, and the story of salvation! But not just to entertain. As we'll see in Pastor Troy's sermon, God uses the ones you'd never expect for a far more important purpose!
- Dec 5, 2021Humble Christmas PreparationsDec 5, 2021Humble Christmas PreparationsBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: When the Lord Comes NearWhen you think about it, most of the preparations we make for Christmas are driven by a desire to look impressive to others. Cooking, cleaning, decorating, buying presents...the list goes on! However, there are some far more important Christmas preparations for us to take on! And instead of requiring us to look impressive, these preparations require the exact opposite--humility! Watch Pastor Troy's sermon, "Humble Christmas Preparations" to find out what those preparations are, and how we can make them as we prepare for the Lord to come near!
- Dec 1, 20213 Devotional Meditations from the AngelsDec 1, 20213 Devotional Meditations from the AngelsBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: When the Lord Comes NearPastor Troy shares three devotional meditations from our Midweek Advent Meditation-- Angels We Have Heard on High. First-- The Angel Gabriel to Mary Second-- The Angel to Joseph Third-- The Angels to the Shepherds.
- Nov 28, 2021Humbled…For You!Nov 28, 2021Humbled…For You!By: Troy SchreinerSeries: When the Lord Comes NearWhen the Lord comes near. If you look at different accounts in Scripture, it might seem like that would be a terrifying thought. Because God is all-powerful and holy, that means he has both the power and the reasons to destroy us when he comes near! But today, we see the reason that we can rejoice in the coming of Jesus--both his coming near at Christmas, and his coming again at Judgment Day. Because the Lord who comes near...humbled himself, for you!
- Nov 24, 2021Give Us Today Our Daily Bread (Thanksgiving)Nov 24, 2021Give Us Today Our Daily Bread (Thanksgiving)By: Troy SchreinerSeries: Thanksgiving EveHow many times would you say you've said the Lord's Prayer in your life? More importantly, how often have you really thought about what we're asking God when we say it? Specifically today, we want to focus on the phrase, "Give Us Today Our Daily Bread." What does it mean to ask for daily bread? And how can praying it give us an attitude of thankfulness in our lives? Watch Pastor Troy's Thanksgiving Eve sermon to find out!
- Nov 21, 2021The King Everlasting (Christ the King Sunday)Nov 21, 2021The King Everlasting (Christ the King Sunday)By: Troy SchreinerSeries: The King & Life Forever AfterHow would you react if suddenly, it was decided that the President of the United States would serve a lifelong term? It probably depends on who the president is, and how you feel about them. It also depends on how much you value the ability to choose our leaders every 4 years. On Christ the King Sunday, we ask how we feel about having a King who rules over us and the world not just for a lifelong term, but for all eternity! How you respond depends on who the King is, how you feel about him, and how much you value the ability to choose the leader of your life for yourself. But in God's Word, we're reminded why Christ the King is the best king to have on the throne of our lives. And we'll see why his everlasting reign has everlasting impact on us!
- Nov 14, 2021Rise and Shine! (Saints Triumphant)Nov 14, 2021Rise and Shine! (Saints Triumphant)By: Troy SchreinerSeries: The King & Life Forever AfterTo the naked eye, death looks like defeat, rather than triumph. But in God's Word, we see why the death of a Christian is the greatest triumph of all! As we celebrate Saints Triumphant Sunday, we're reminded that all those who fall asleep in Christ, will awake--and will shine like the stars for eternity!