Mar 9, 2022

“They Bound Him”
By: Phil Hoyer
Series: The Crucial Hours
Three simple words: "They bound him." But as simple as the words might be, they're incredibly profound for our salvation! Listen to Pastor Phil's sermon to find out why!
- Mar 9, 2022“They Bound Him”Mar 9, 2022“They Bound Him”By: Phil HoyerSeries: The Crucial HoursThree simple words: "They bound him." But as simple as the words might be, they're incredibly profound for our salvation! Listen to Pastor Phil's sermon to find out why!
- Mar 6, 2022Loving NeighborsMar 6, 2022Loving NeighborsBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: A God-Lived LifeWhat does it look like to be a good neighbor? In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus takes it one step further, showing us what it looks like to be a loving neighbor. But who that Good Samaritan really is might surprise you! Watch Pastor Troy's sermon, "Loving Neighbors" to find out more!
- Mar 2, 2022Listen to What They Say (Ash Wednesday)Mar 2, 2022Listen to What They Say (Ash Wednesday)By: Troy SchreinerSeries: CrushedWe can learn a lot about ourselves and about God by listening to what the characters say in Jesus' parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector. We can learn even more when we listen to what Jesus says at the end of this parable! Let us come before the Lord in humble repentance, trusting in the forgiveness that is ours through Christ!
- Feb 27, 2022Transfiguration: A How-To GuideFeb 27, 2022Transfiguration: A How-To GuideBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: UncoveredIn one way or another, we're all looking for transformation in our lives. But how do we accomplish it? Is it all about the things that we do? Or, is there another better path that can transform us, our lives, and our world? Watch Pastor Troy's sermon from Transfiguration Sunday to find out how you can have transformation that lasts!
- Feb 20, 2022Love Our WHAT?!?!Feb 20, 2022Love Our WHAT?!?!By: Troy SchreinerSeries: UncoveredIn today's Gospel reading, Jesus tells us something pretty shocking. He doesn't just want us to love those who love us, or do good to those who do good to us. Instead, he tells us that we need to love even our...enemies? How is that fair? And how is that even possible after all the hurt or harm they may have caused to us? Watch Pastor Troy's sermon to find out!
- Feb 13, 2022Navigating Culture ShockFeb 13, 2022Navigating Culture ShockBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: UncoveredThe way God defines "cursed" and "blessed" are very different from the way the world defines those words. Today, we'll see how a proper understanding of God's definitions of those two words makes all the difference when it comes to navigating the "culture shock" of Christian suffering.
- Feb 6, 2022Childlike? Or Childish?Feb 6, 2022Childlike? Or Childish?By: Troy SchreinerSeries: A God-Lived LifeHow's your spiritual appetite? Do you crave God's Word like a newborn baby craves milk? As the Apostle Peter reminds us, we need to! And for the same reasons--because it's through God's Word that we grow! But when you examine your spiritual life, do you find it to be more childlike? Or childish? Watch Pastor Troy's sermon to see how we can get the craving we need for God's Word, and build habits and rituals into our lives to make sure we're consistently and faithfully satisfying our cravings!
- Jan 30, 2022What We Want to Hear? Or What Needs to Be Said?Jan 30, 2022What We Want to Hear? Or What Needs to Be Said?By: Troy SchreinerSeries: UncoveredIt's easy to gain a following, if you simply tell people what they want to hear. So it's a temptation for the church and for individual Christians to either proclaim a message that scratches people's itching ears, or to surround ourselves with voices that always agree with us and tell us what we want to hear. But today, we see what God's agenda is for Christians, and for the Christian Church--to preach and live the message of God's truth found in the Scriptures--even when we, or others don't want to hear it!
- Jan 23, 2022Facing the Fear of RejectionJan 23, 2022Facing the Fear of RejectionBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: UncoveredWhen someone hears good news, you'd expect them to respond with joy, not rejection. And yet, God tells us in his Word that when we share the best news of Jesus as the Savior of the world, not only might we experience rejection. We should expect it! But why? And how should we respond to that rejection? Watch Pastor Troy's sermon, "Facing the Fear of Rejection" to find out!
- Jan 16, 2022Wedding Day DelightJan 16, 2022Wedding Day DelightBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: UncoveredIn our Western culture, there are few life events that produce as much joy as a wedding day. In Pastor Troy's sermon, "Wedding Day Delight," we'll explore the true meaning of delight, and how God gives us more than we could ever ask or imagine. And to help us see how, he uses the joyful imagery of a wedding!