May 21, 2023
It Takes a Village
By: Troy Schreiner
Series: Joining Jesus On His Mission
It might seem like telling others about Jesus is a one-person job. And yet, God's Word reminds us of the importance of community, and that when it comes to Joining Jesus on His Mission, it takes a village! Find out why in Pastor Troy's sermon on Acts 2:42-47!
- May 21, 2023It Takes a VillageMay 21, 2023It Takes a VillageBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: Joining Jesus On His MissionIt might seem like telling others about Jesus is a one-person job. And yet, God's Word reminds us of the importance of community, and that when it comes to Joining Jesus on His Mission, it takes a village! Find out why in Pastor Troy's sermon on Acts 2:42-47!
- May 14, 2023You Glorify Jesus With That Mouth?May 14, 2023You Glorify Jesus With That Mouth?By: Troy SchreinerSeries: Joining Jesus On His MissionObviously, our words matter when it comes to sharing God's Word with people. But even beyond God's Word, when it comes to Joining Jesus on His Mission, our speech matters! Words are powerful and impactful, either for good or for evil. Likewise, our speech has the ability to draw people closer to hear the Word of God, or to drive people away from hearing the Word of God. Therefore, we need to take God's encouragement to heart when he tells us to "flavor our speech."
- May 7, 2023Mission FuelMay 7, 2023Mission FuelBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: Joining Jesus On His MissionIt might seem like the most important aspect of being "on mission" with Jesus would come from our speaking--what we say, and how we say it when people are watching what we do and listening to what we say! And that's certainly important. But today, we see an even greater priority. Before we can talk about Jesus, we first need to listen to Jesus!
- Apr 30, 2023Goody Two Shoes!
- Apr 23, 2023The River MovedApr 23, 2023The River MovedBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: Joining Jesus On His MissionIt's no secret. In the past, Americans tended to be Christian, and make attending and serving in the church a priority and expectation in their lives. But that's shifted quite a bit over the last few decades. As more and more people walk away from Christianity, and more and more people declare themselves to have no religious affiliation, what is the church to do? Sit on our hands and hope things change? Keep to ourselves, and stay safely within the four walls of our church where we can feel comfortable? Or see ourselves, and live like what we've become--missionaries living in a vast and growing mission field of people who don't know or don't care about Jesus. Today, we watch him as he shares the good news with a Samaritan woman, and see how we also can seek to share the Gospel of Jesus with people who aren't looking for it!
- Apr 16, 2023The Right Place at the Right TimeApr 16, 2023The Right Place at the Right TimeBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: Joining Jesus On His MissionHave you ever felt like the circumstances of your life has made you the unfortunate victim of being in the wrong place at the wrong time? It might have seemed that way for Paul and Silas in our sermon text. But what we come to see is that God was putting them in the right place at the right time, so that they could carry out their purpose--to proclaim the good news of Jesus to some souls who needed to hear it! Likewise, we can be confident that no matter the circumstances of our lives, God is putting us exactly where we need to be to join him on that all-important mission!