Sep 17, 2023
Forgive Like Joseph, Because of Jesus
By: Troy Schreiner
Series: The Church God Wants
Forgiving someone who has hurt you can be hard. We tend to do mental gymnastics of all the reasons we shouldn't have to forgive someone, or put limits on how often we need to forgive someone before we cut them off. But God cuts out any need for overthinking. He simply says, "Forgive one another." But how can we do that? We look to the account of Joseph forgiving his brothers who had sold him into slavery in Egypt for encouragement for how we can forgive like Joseph, because of Jesus!
- Sep 17, 2023Forgive Like Joseph, Because of JesusSep 17, 2023Forgive Like Joseph, Because of JesusBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: The Church God WantsForgiving someone who has hurt you can be hard. We tend to do mental gymnastics of all the reasons we shouldn't have to forgive someone, or put limits on how often we need to forgive someone before we cut them off. But God cuts out any need for overthinking. He simply says, "Forgive one another." But how can we do that? We look to the account of Joseph forgiving his brothers who had sold him into slavery in Egypt for encouragement for how we can forgive like Joseph, because of Jesus!
- Sep 10, 2023Standing Firm for Hard ConversationsSep 10, 2023Standing Firm for Hard ConversationsBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: The Church God WantsHard conversations are just that...hard. They're hard, because there's often lots of potential drama, or relational fallout that come with hard conversations. When God calls on us to be willing to say hard things, and have hard conversations--confronting sin or false beliefs with God's truth--will we be able to stand firm? Or will we play the role of the "ostrich," burying our heads in the sand, and pretending not to notice? We look to an account of the life of the Apostle Paul for encouragement, and a reminder of our motivation for these hard conversations!
- Sep 3, 2023The Necessity of the CrossSep 3, 2023The Necessity of the CrossBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: The Church God WantsCrosses are certainly shocking, brutal, painful devices. And yet, Jesus points out the necessity of the cross--both his cross, and the crosses he says we must carry as Christians who would follow him. What are these crosses in our lives? And why are they necessary? Watch Pastor Troy's sermon to find out more!
- Aug 27, 2023The All-Important QuestionAug 27, 2023The All-Important QuestionBy: Troy SchreinerSeries: The Church God WantsThere are a lot of important questions in life that we need to answer, and depending on our answers, those questions can have massive impact and implications on our lives. However, there is one all-important question we have to answer-- Who is Jesus? How you answer that question completely changes your life, and your eternity. So Jesus asks, "What about you? Who do you say I am?"